On November 1, 2019, in the conference hall of the TMA multidisciplinary clinic, an international integral lecture on otosurgery was held with employees of the Department of Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Ophthalmology and Neurology TMA at the international conference “Progress in Otology” and a workshop on ear microsurgery, an on-site meeting of members of the European Academy of otology and otoneurology (France, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia), the Ukrainian Association of Otiatrists, Otoneurosurgeons and Otoneurologists, employees of the Georges Portmann Institute (Fran Ia), the department of microsurgery of the ear and otoneurosurgeons GP Institute of Otolaryngology named Kolomiychenko NAMS of Ukraine.
Lectures were given by the staff of the Georges Portmann Institute: Didier Portmann, Arnaud Devez Elizabeth Witt, Stefan Lache-Fougeres, on familiarizing doctors with modern methods of diagnosing and treating ear diseases, practical demonstrations and discussion of cases.
The purpose of the integral lecture was: improving the solution of urgent problems of otosurgery, clinical audiology (audiology), otoneurology; rendering of methodological assistance to doctors in mastering and deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills; deepening and expanding cooperation with foreign experts in solving urgent problems in otology, otoneurology and otosurgery.